Su invito di Davide, di seguito il testo con piccole modifiche da inviare a:
European Union
Directorate General for Mobility and Transport
European Commission
DG Mobility and Transport
B – 1049 Brussels
To Ms Violeta Bulc
To Mr Joao Agujar Machado
Dear Lady and Sir,
I write to you because of a recent ban for kayaks, canoes and other oar boats in Venice - Italy.
This ban was formally justified because of the traffic of water ways into the city, but it affects only the boats that have the minor part in city's traffic, and the only non-polluting transport system, without giving a real limitation on high power polluting engines and many of those are 2 strokes, boats that cause waves that damage the ancient buildings of the city.
Please consider that from a recent study payed from Venice municipality, half of the traffic is made by motor taxies capable of 16 passengers, that travel with zero passengers on board. More, no interconnection was planned for the people excluded from Venice to park their kayaks and reach the nearest public transport stop.
Against the ban a group of activists has collected over 2500 signatures and filed a legal action: ban harm the freedom of any european citizen that want to visit Venice on a non polluting, eco friendly, slow and clean boats.
It is contrasting with your Action Plan for urban mobility, Themes 2 and 3, and the Green paper on transport, and for this reason we ask your attention and your action against Venice municipality and their illogical decisions.
I hope that my letter is enough clean, more informations can be found in Italian in Facebook group: Salviamo Venezia andando a remie pagaie about the ban can be asked to the Municipality of Venice.
Thanks for your help.
Andrea Ricci