Autore Letto 2337 volte

Bjoern Beisner

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  • Post: 1
Boating Tagliamento end of may/beginning of june
* il: Maggio 06, 2011, 07:44:24 pm *
Ciao gente,

me and my friends have planned to start a tour on Tagliamento on end of may with canoe. Has somebody of you been there in the past days or weeks and can say how it looks now or can make a realistic prediction how it could look when we`ll be there? Ideally a prediction made of experience. We want to start at Venzone  and finish at Latisana(should be able to get back from there by train). If it`s not possible on Tagliamento, we will switch to the Ticino inferiore, from Lago Maggiore to Pavia.

Thanks for your support,


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