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Trond Muri

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Kano på Po
* il: Febbraio 24, 2011, 11:49:45 pm *
Jeg er en norsk pilegrim (57 år) som går fra Oslo til Betlehem. Jeg følger en fantastisk barnebok skrevet av Jostein Gaarder. Jeg går et stykke hver sommer. I slutten av juni 2011 starter jeg fra Asota og skal gå til Venezia.

I boka seiler de nedover Po på en flåte fra et sted nær Pavia til et sted nær Padova. Turistkontoret i Pavia sier at det er umulig å reise på Po. Er det mulig å reise på Po en del av strekningen? Er det noen som har kano som kan hjelpe meg?

Trond Muri

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Re: Kano på Po
* Risposta #1 il: Febbraio 25, 2011, 12:01:08 am *
I am a Pilgrim from Norway, 57 yeas old. I walk from Oslo to Betlehem, a part every summer. I follow a book written by Jostein Gaarder. In the end of June 2011 i start my walking from Aosta to Venezia.

In the book they where sailing on a raft from a place near Pavia to a place near Padova. The touristoffice in Pavia told me it isn`t possible to sail on Po. Is it possible to sail a part of the distanse. Is it somebody with a canoe who can help me?

stefano caprile CCN

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Re: Kano på Po
* Risposta #2 il: Febbraio 25, 2011, 07:24:02 am *
Dear Trond,
it  is actually possible to paddle from Pavia to Venice either in canoe, or in a raft. With a good kayak it takes from 7 to 10 days, depending on your paddling skills and physical shape.
With a raft, or a canadian canoe, for sure the time is more.
What is your experience with kayaks and canoes? Are you looking for someone to give you information about the trip, or actually someone who can carry you to your destination?
Hej då,

Stefano CCN

Trond Muri

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Re: Kano på Po
* Risposta #3 il: Febbraio 25, 2011, 08:24:00 am *
Hello Stefano!

It is written in the book "The Christmas Mystery": ......They travelled through the countryside until the River Po met another big river called Ticino, near the trading city of Pavia. ........  He pointed at a large raft that was lying by the river bank and said, We`ll borrow that. .....   We`ll land over there. .... All the pilegrims alighted from the raft. .... They passed a country church and turned uphill trought the coumtryside. .....Soon they were approaching one of the largest. It was called Padova.

From Aosta to Pavia and Piacenza I will walk the pilgrimroute Via Francigena.
I am looking for a person who can take me some days on the river, may be from a place near Cremona to a place near Mantova? I was in a canoe when I was a scout 35 years ago, so my experiences is bad.

Best regards Trond

Dani Ckfiumi

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Re: Kano på Po
* Risposta #4 il: Febbraio 25, 2011, 11:20:33 am *
it  is actually possible to paddle from Pavia to Venice either in canoe, or in a raft. With a good kayak it takes from 7 to 10 days, depending on your paddling skills and physical shape.
With a raft, or a canadian canoe, for sure the time is more.

Stefano is right but be aware: there is a big dam at Isola Serafini, just before Cremona.
This is a mandatory take out.
So If you have a raft it's better to ask if there is a way to pass thorugh the small canal on the right of the river.,12.392578&sspn=10.502607,29.179688&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Cremona,+Lombardia&t=h&ll=45.091535,9.906621&spn=0.007483,0.018024&z=16

I have no idea about who you can call for such an info though.

If you start from Cremona then there are no trouble until Venice.