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Simon Westgarth

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Valsesia River Festival 25/29 May 2011
* il: Febbraio 23, 2011, 03:20:41 pm *
Valsesia River Festival - 25/29 May 2011

A White Water Kayaking Festival for all, the Valsesia River Festival, has races, guided descents, clinics, films & more

After years of going to Valsesia, introducing paddlers from all over the world to the steep creeking delights of this prefect slice of Piemonte in Italy, Gene17kayaking will host a completely new white water paddling festival. This 25/29 May 2011 will be the first Valsesia River Festival, situated at the Campsite of il Gatto & la Volpe in Campertogno.

White Water Kayaking is full of choice, and at this festival you’ll have lots to choose from. The Valsesia River Festival is for all White Water Paddlers, with open races with competitive classes, accessible Steep Creeking Clinics, Photo & Video Clinics too, and to top it all off, some great evening entertainment.

We plan to have the leading lights of the kayaking industry to guide, coach and inspire paddlers, along with leading kayaking brands and a retail presence.

Here is our provisional Programme:

Wednesday 25 May
  • Evening - Registration in Campertogno

Thursday 26 May
  • Day time – Coaching Clinics & Guided Descents
  • Evening – Registration & BBQ in Campertogno

Friday 27 May
  • Day time – Coaching Clinics & Guided Descents
  • 1500 – Sesia Team Sprint – any team of 3 paddlers on the Sesia Alpine Sprint Section
  • 1800 – Save the Sesia Paddle – Campertogno
  • 2100 – Movie Night at the Campertogno Theatre

Saturday 28 May
  • 0800 – Registration in Campertogno
  • 0930 – Egua FreeRide Competition – Egua
  • Day time – Photo Clinic (Kayak Session) – Egua
  • Day time – Video Clinic (Big O) – Valsesia
  • 1500 – BoaterX – Campertogno
  • 2100 – Eddy Line Party

Sunday 29 May
  • Day time – Coaching Clinics & Guided Descents

See Valsesia River Festival for details

And for our courses, trips and adventures go to Gene17kayaking


Simon Westgarth

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Valsesia River Festival March 2011 Update
* Risposta #1 il: Marzo 18, 2011, 01:59:19 pm *
We are still elbow deep in organising the first ever Valsesia River Festival in Campertogno, 25/29th May this year.

Although booking will be open from early April, here are but a few of the happenings:

  • Sweet Protection is provisional sponsor to the Boater X event on Saturday afternoon in Campertogno
  • Gene17′s Jakub Šedivý is to host a showing of Rush Struges new kayak movie, “Frontier” in the Campertogno Movie Threatre on Friday night.
  • Olaf Obsommer has confirmed he’ll be leading the Video Making Clinics
  • Gene17 old boy, Dave Carroll will be joining current staff, Jakub Šedivý, Spyros Barbaresos & Simon Westgarth to run technique clinics through the festival.
  • Matze Brustmann & Jobst Hahn will also join us throughout the festival running technique clinics in both German & English
  • Our festival host’s il Gatto & la Volpe will invite all festival goes to a BBQ on Thursday evening

See the Valsesia River Festival website for the full update



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Angelo Vergani

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Re: Valsesia River Festival 25/29 May 2011
* Risposta #2 il: Aprile 10, 2011, 04:47:12 pm *
Hi Simon,
would be very interting if you or other kayaker will present film to the VALSESIA CANOA FILM FESTIVAL, june 3-5, 2011, in campertogno

It's an international kayak festival orginezed with the Coppa Italia kayak race june 5 20911 in Campertogno.

You can get all information from our web site

ciao, Angelo Vergani

Angelo Vergani

Simon Westgarth

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Re: Valsesia River Festival 25/29 May 2011
* Risposta #3 il: Aprile 29, 2011, 09:13:40 am *
would be very interting if you or other kayaker will present film to the VALSESIA CANOA FILM FESTIVAL, june 3-5, 2011, in campertogno

It's an international kayak festival orginezed with the Coppa Italia kayak race june 5 20911 in Campertogno

Ciao Angelo

There may be scope for Jakub Sedivy, who'll present Rush Struges new movie Frontier at the Campertogno Theatre on Friday evening at the Valsesia River Festival, to stay for the following week.

More details to come on the Valsesia River Festival, including online booking and all the information in Italiano.

Simon Westgarth

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Re: Valsesia River Festival 25/29 May 2011
* Risposta #4 il: Maggio 03, 2011, 08:25:25 am *

Hello Paddler,

Do you want to go Steep Creekin', you enjoy Italian food and love paddling? If so, we'll bring all that together in one place, with a host of paddlers at the Valsesia River Festival.

This all new festival is for ALL paddlers; we have races for the competitive, clinics for the aspiring, entertainment for the cruisers and both a video & photo contest for those wishing to capture white water paddling.

Valsesia, home to the best Spring steep creeking in Europe. Also home to Gene17's Piemonte Steep Creekin' trips. 
If you wish simply to come and enjoy this great destination, you're welcome. The festival has something for everyone; clinics, guided descents, races and competitions.  Plus a party and also a night at the movies too.

Valsesia River Festival BOOKING, is now open
We have options for everyone, if you want to do the whole festival, clinics, races, camping & party, get the FULL PASS, if you wish to paddle with friends and just camp, get the RELAX PASS, if you wish to just compete in the SWEET RUMBLE you can, and if you just wish to come for the weekend, get the WEEKEND PASS. 
If you just wish to come and camp, register on the day on site in Campertogno, and for the Friday Movie Night, you can pay at the door.
A festival for all, with options for all

During the Festival, we'll offer a host of coaching clinics with Gene17's staff and guided descents from some of the very best river guides around.
The Coaching Clinics will be delivered by the likes of Jakub Sedivy, Dave Carroll & Simon Westgarth. These will be along two themes; Technique & Leadership and River Rescue & First Aid, scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Sunday during the Festival.
The Guided Descents will be on a host of local runs, with the likes of Matze Brustman of Germany, Giovanni Mortin of Italy, Andrej Bijuklic of Slovenia, Raphael Thiebaut of France, Spyros Barbaresos of Greece, Dave Carroll of Ireland, Jobst Hahn of Germany amongst others leading these trips which are again scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Sunday during the Festival.

Sweet Protection invites you to a knock out fight on the river! We celebrate the Sweet Rumble with a fierce, but mellow competition. It'll be great to watch, and even better to race on. Fight Club in a kayak.
We'll also have the Gene17 FreeRide event on the Egua, along with a Mass Paddle, where the competitive can race ahead in Teams and the rest of us can enjoy the Alpine Sprint down the Sesia to Campertogno.

Open to all Valsesia River Festival with FULL or WEEKEND Pass.
To win a set of the new 2011 Palm White Water Gear make a short 90 second video about paddling in Valsesia during the festival, post it on Palm's FaceBook Page labelled Valsesia River Festival.  The one with the largest number of "likes" by the end of June, will win.
For the chance to win a Liquid Logic kayak from Alpin Action, take an image in Valsesia during the festival and post it on Alpin Aciton's FaceBook Group labelled Valsesia River Festival.  The one with the largest number of "likes" by the end of June, will win.
It's important to know - everyone is welcome, even if you just wish to paddle with friends and just come to the Saturday night party.  If you want a Festival Tee Shirt, please pre-order.
For updates see Valsesia River Festival

If you have any questions about the event or suggestions, please Contact Us.  We hope to see you at the all new Valsesia River Festival
Best Regards,

Simon Westgarth

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Valsesia River Festival 25/29 May 2011
* Risposta #5 il: Maggio 11, 2011, 10:57:24 pm *
Invito al VRF 2011  dal 25 al 29 Maggio 2011

Amico Canoista,
Se ami la canoa di acqua selvaggia, nello spettacolare ambiente della Valsesia con i suoi torrenti di acqua incontaminata, allora sei invitato al Valsesia River Festival.
E’ un festival tutto nuovo aperto a tutti e combina gare, discese guidate per tutti i livelli, corsi di video e fotografia con i pro ed infine party serali e proiezioni degli ultimi film usciti.

L’evento si terrà in Valsesia. Punto di ritrovo Campertogno
Sponsor dell’evento: Sweet Protection, Palm, Alpin Action
Ci saranno varie opzioni, per tutti i gusti, se vorrai partecipare per l’intera durata del festival alle discese guidate, competizioni, camping & party, potrai ottenere il FULL PASS, se vorrai pagaiare con gli amici e campeggiare soltanto, chiedi il RELAX PASS, se invece vorrai partecipare alla SWEET RUMBLE potrai e se infine vorrai solo venire per il weekend chiedi il WEEKEND PASS. 
Un Festival per tutti con opzioni per tutti, anche per gli accompagnatori non canoisti.

Durante il Festival, vi offriremo una serie di “clinics” (corsi su argomenti specifici) forniti dallo staff di Gene17 e discese guidate per tutti i livelli da parte delle migliori guide fluviali in circolazione.
Le “clinics” saranno seguite direttamente da Jakub Sedivy, Dave Carroll & Simon Westgarth e riguarderanno due temi: Tecnica & Leadership e Salvataggio Fluviale & Primo Soccorso. Le “clinics” saranno previste per Giovedì, Venerdì e Domenica durante il Festival.
Le discese guidate saranno gestite da diverse guide Europee e locali del calibro di, Matze Brustman - Germania, Giovanni Mortin - Italia, Andrej Bijuklic - Slovenia, Raphael Thiebaut -  Francia, Spyros Barbaresos - Grecia, Dave Carroll - Irlanda, Jobst Hahn - Germania. Anche le discese avverranno Giovedì, Venerdì e Domenica durante il Festival.

Sweet Protection vi invita a una battaglia sul fiume! Celebreremo la “Sweet Rumble” con una veemente, ma tranquilla competizione boater-cross. Sarà incredibile da guardare ma sarà ancora meglio per i partecipanti. Fight Club in canoa.
Ma avremo anche il  Gene17 FreeRide sull’ Egua e una Mass Paddle dove i contendenti potranno competere in squadra giù per l’Alpin Sprint sul Sesia, mentre il resto dei non concorrenti potrà godersi la discesa.

Aperto a tutti i possessori di  FULL o WEEKEND Pass del Valsesia River Festival.
Per vincere un set di attrezzatura di Palm – novità del 2011, dovrai produrre un video della durata di 90 secondi che riguardi in qualche modo il festival e le discese in canoa e postarlo sulla pagina FaceBook di Palm etichettandolo “Valsesia River Festival”.  Quello che riceverà il maggior numero di “mi piace” entro la fine di Giugno, sarà il vincitore.
Per avere la possibilità di vincere un kayak di Liquid Logic messo a disposizione da Alpin Action, scatta una foto in Valsesia durante il festival e postala sulla pagina FaceBook di Alpin Action con l’etichetta “Valsesia River Festival”. Quella che riceverà il maggior numero di “mi piace” entro la fine di Giugno, sarà il vincitore.

Siete tutti benvenuti, anche solo per una pagaiata tra amici e partecipare solo al party di Sabato sera. Ma se volete la T-Shirt del Festival, siete pregati di pre-registrarvi.
Le prenotazioni e pre- registrazioni per il Valsesia River Festival sono ora disponibili online.

Per maggiori informazioni visita il sito

Mercoledì 25 Maggio
Sera- Registrazione a  Campertogno

Giovedì 26 Maggio
Durante il giorno –  Clinics & Discese Guidate
Sera – Registrazione & BBQ a Campertogno

Venerdì 27 Maggio
Mattina/Pomeriggio –  Clinics & Discese Guidate
Durante il giorno - Photo Clinic – Egua
Durante il giorno - Video Clinic – Valsesia
1700 - Sweet Rumble BoaterX – Campertogno
2100 – Movie Night al Teatro di Campertogno
Sera - Movie Night Campertogno Teatro

Sabato 28 Maggio
0800 – Registrazione a Campertogno
0930 – Egua FreeRide – Egua
Durante il giorno - Photo Clinic – Egua
Durante il giorno - Video Clinic – Valsesia
1400 - Sesia Sprint & Mass Paddle – gara a squadre (3 canoisti) sull’ Alpine Sprint
1700 – Sweet Rumble BoaterX – Campertogno
2100 – Eddy Line Party

Domenica 29 Maggio
Durante il giorno –  Clinics & Discese Guidate

Simon Westgarth Gene17kayaking, -translation by Beppe Caramella

Simon Westgarth

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Re: Valsesia River Festival 25/29 May 2011
* Risposta #6 il: Maggio 20, 2011, 09:09:50 am *

Our new Tee for this year's Valsesia River Festival, designed by Pete Woods, and includes the shield of Piemonte with Monte Rosa in the background.

We've only 150 printed, so we have a Tee for the first 150 paddlers to join us in Valsesia, next week.

Pre-bookings are going well, with paddlers from all 4 corners of Europe and further a field joining us in Valsesia. Please look to pre-book if you plan on joining us.

We may also be able to show Steve Fisher's new movie, Halo Effect, which will be introduced by Gene17's Jakub Šedivý, one of the films featured paddlers. The Valsesia River Festival Movie Night, is on Friday 27th at the Campertogno theatre, that has a capacity of 120 people. Free entry to paddler's with a Festival Pass.


Simon Westgarth

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Re: Valsesia River Festival 25/29 May 2011
* Risposta #7 il: Maggio 24, 2011, 08:17:26 am *
* Ultima modifica: Maggio 24, 2011, 12:20:49 pm da Flavio di CKI *

Friday Night at the Movies in Valsesia, we are honored to show Steve Fisher's Halo Effect at the Campertogno Theatre. Jakub Sedivy who also star's in the production, will introduce the film, that is the most acclaimed kayaking movie of the year. Be at the theatre for 20:30 to start at 21:00

[Due discussioni unite in una sola dal moderatore]

Simon Westgarth

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Re: Valsesia River Festival 25/29 May 2011
* Risposta #8 il: Maggio 24, 2011, 05:30:28 pm *

Wednesday 25th May 2011   
1800  – 2000   Registration at Il Gatto e la Vople Campsite in Campertogno

Thursday 26th May 2011
0900  – 1000   Registration at Il Gatto e la Vople in Campertogno
1000  – 1600   Coaching Clinics & Guided Descents MEET at Il Gatto e la Vople Campsite in Campertogno
                     Technique Clinic on Lower Sermenza
                     Leadership Clinic on Alpine Sprint
                     Guided Descent on Middle Sesia
                     Guided Descent on Lower Sesia
1800  – 2000   Registration at Il Gatto e la Vople in Campertogno
2000 to late   Grill by Il Gatto e la Vople

Friday 27th May 2011

0900  – 1000   Registration at Il Gatto e la Vople in Campertogno
1000  – 1600   Coaching Clinics & Guided Descents MEET at Il Gatto e la Vople Campsite in Campertogno
                     Technique Clinic on Sorba Slides
                     Leadership Clinic on Lower Sermenza
                     Guided Descent on Lower Sermenza
                     Guided Descent on Alpine Sprint
                     Photo Clinic on Sorba Slides
                     Video Clinic on Lower Sermenza
1700  – 1900   Sweet Rumble Time Trial in Campertogno
1800  – 2000   Registration at Il Gatto e la Vople in Campertogno
2100 to late   Movie Night at Campertogno Theatre

Saturday 28th May 2011
0900  – 1300   Registration at Il Gatto e la Vople in Campertogno
0930  – 1300   Egua FreeRide Event starting at Ferrate
1000  – 1600   Guided Descents & Clinics MEET at Il Gatto e la Vople Campsite in Campertogno
                     Guided Descent on Middle Sesia
                     Guided Descent on Lower Sesia
                     Photo Clinic on Egua
                     Video Clinic on Egua
1400  – 1600   Alpine Sprint Team Race Time Trial starting at Curgo
1700  – 1900   Sweet Rumble Finals in Campertogno
2100 to late   EddyLine Party with Prize Giving in Campertogno

Sunday 29th May
0900  – 1000   Registration at Il Gatto e la Vople in Campertogno
1000  – 1600   Coaching Clinics & Guided Descents MEET at Il Gatto e la Vople Campsite in Campertogno
                     Technique Clinic on Sorba Slides
                     Leadership Clinic on Lower Sermenza
                     Guided Descent on Lower Sermenza
                     Guided Descent on Alpine Sprint

All locations at the Valsesia River Festival map on Google Maps