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Massimo Delledonne

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Arrivano 4 scozzesi in Valsesia.. cercano compagnia
* il: Maggio 19, 2008, 08:51:21 am *
Vi giro un messaggio ricevuto da Jim.
Se siete in zona e vi va di scambiare qualche chiacchiera e magari condividere qualche discesa con 'sti quattro scozzesi, pls fatelo e stabilite un buon collegamento con una zona del mondo interessante canoisticamente ma difficile da visitare senza l'aiuto dei locals (mi dicono)

rispondete pure qui se volete, do a Jim il link di questo msg




Hello Massimo

Our plans are now finalised and we will be arriving Milan 24th May and returning on 2nd June.

If you, or anyone in the Novara Canoe Club, are able to paddle with us - particularly in the first few days, it would be a great introduction to Italian kayaking (none of us have paddled in italy before).
Please feel free to circulate our contact details to the club members in case they would like to contact us.

Jim +44 7866 433033
Nigel +447921 777935
Iain +44 7740 377392
Colin +44 7711 780244

How are river conditions at the moment? We have heard there is still a lot of snow in the mountains so conditions for our trip might be "interesting"....!
Look forward to hearing from you and hopefully meeting you again during our trip.

Best regards from sunny scotland (yes, honestly, 22degC today!)

Jim Weir

stefano caprile CCN

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Re: Arrivano 4 scozzesi in Valsesia.. cercano compagnia
* Risposta #1 il: Maggio 23, 2008, 09:04:21 am *
Dear Jim,
I won't be available this weekend, but maybe monday or tuesday evening, after work, I may come with you for a quick evening run in valsesia.
The water levels in Northern Italy are great in these days. It has been raining a lot, and further rains are expected along the next weekend.
If you need any information about the rivers you may call me at +39 347 3854384, or I may suggest you to go at Monrosa Rating & Kayak Center in Balmuccia, where you can find friends to assist you.
If anyone from the Novara Canoe Club is coming to Valsesia  in the weekend, I'll let you know.
Stefano Caprile
Stefano CCN