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Re: trasformazione temporanea k1 in c1
* Risposta #15 il: Giugno 29, 2011, 07:40:39 pm *
I saw that you wrote "temporanea"...  :-\
I would say this it not that easy as long as you want a really good C1.

Dani Ckfiumi

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Re: trasformazione temporanea k1 in c1
* Risposta #16 il: Giugno 29, 2011, 09:11:35 pm *
I saw that you wrote "temporanea"...  :-\
I would say this it not that easy as long as you want a really good C1.

Frank, what about the "prototype" you spoke about  saturday evening?
If I understood correctly, there is something you can use at the very beginning
.. just to try.  Have you got some useful photos?


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Re: trasformazione temporanea k1 in c1
* Risposta #17 il: Giugno 29, 2011, 10:04:23 pm *
Dani, what I talked about was not a prototype, it was about the C1/OC1-Seat that Dagger once bulit when they still were producing C1 and OC1. You can put these seats very easy in a kajak and transfer it to a C1 - but they are VERY hard to find these days.
Here you can see a modern version of this seat that a guy in California produces, just to know how something looks. The original Dagger-seat was made of plastic and had no good possibilities to adjust straps:

Adriano Bortolini

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Re: trasformazione temporanea k1 in c1
* Risposta #18 il: Giugno 30, 2011, 09:29:25 am *
Hello Frank,
thanks for your contribution. I logged on to the links that I've reported and there are some very interesting things. I also saw the evolution of the californian project (made of plastic and foam) beautiful, but I think very expensive like as the original project.
In any case they are useful starting points to build something more economical home made, perhaps from a fiberglass structure rather than the coast, although aesthetically beautiful, carbon fiber.

I saw the pictures of your ride on Soca, beautiful!

My experience in this field is limited to the traditional canadian canoes, rented at places like the Ardeche. I had a good control of the boat and I was fascinated by the type of paddling, so as to push me to try on a boat and smallest manageable.



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Re: trasformazione temporanea k1 in c1
* Risposta #19 il: Giugno 30, 2011, 07:16:00 pm *
* Ultima modifica: Giugno 30, 2011, 07:17:44 pm da Frank *
Hello Adriano,

A basic start to build a C1 with glass you can see here: . I build my first C1 like this (its the Nomad of the riverrunner-link)

But as you tried an open boat first you could also start with paddling an OC1! They are way more stable than a C1 and also a bunch of fun (even if Dani doesn`t believe me  ;) ) In Germany at least you can buy used ones for a reasonable price. I also have one to sell, a Dagger Quake, this is the most stable and easiest rolling boat that I know. A great riverrunner that is not produced anymore.  :'( The only downside of this boat is that it is very "wet" as we say, meaning that it takes over alot of water. But I could build a pump for you like I use it in my actual open boat. For 600 € you could have it including airbags.

Here you can see what can be done with an Quake and with other beautiful OC1!

Cheers !


Adriano Bortolini

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Re: trasformazione temporanea k1 in c1
* Risposta #20 il: Luglio 01, 2011, 01:10:33 pm *
Dear Frank,
thanks for the links that I've been through, I saw your first projects: simple but functional.

With regard to OC1, and know the same I saw a lot of video clips, are certainly more easy to use than the C1-kayaking, more stable and I saw what you have, beautiful.

One of my problems is the available space where to put the boat and for this reason I prefer have a kayak to can use in two different configurations according to the whishes or needs of the moment, knowing to meet a lot of problems linked to the different posture inside the boat, different paddling techniques, boat control, ect..
Thanks for your offer and for all informations


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Re: trasformazione temporanea k1 in c1
* Risposta #21 il: Settembre 19, 2011, 11:53:44 am *
Ciao Adriano, qualora non avessi ancora risolto, il materiale che cerchi per costruire sella e bulkhhead lo puoi trovare ad un costo ragionevole da Ozone a Treviso, te lo possono vendere a porzioni di gfoglio, che è spesso circa 10 cm e grande a piacimento, incollati due o 3 strati puoi sagomare la sella che puoi anche collegare al bulkhead che altro non è che l'alloggio per le ginocchia. Di tutto ciò puoi trovare molti riferimenti sia sul sito di mowak canoe, o sul sito cboats americano ma che ha molti riferimenti di come trasformare un k in un ottimo c senza spendere una follia. La soluzione con il bulkhead in acque impegnative e per un c, è da preferire a mettere le cinghie in quanto l'uscita è più facile, già hai il paraspruzzi da togliere, anche se comunque al 90 % l'eskimo è molto efficace e risolutivo per un c boater. ciao. pier

Hi Frank

Adriano Bortolini

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Re: trasformazione temporanea k1 in c1
* Risposta #22 il: Ottobre 24, 2011, 10:16:13 am *
scusa se rispondo in ritardo ma mi sono accorto solo oggi del tuo messaggio.
Provero' a passare da Ozone, dato che per Natale andro' da quelle parti e mi faro' consigliare da loro su cosa prendere, probabilmente hanno del materiale che va bene senza stare a sbattermi molto in giro.

Grazie per i consigli.
