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Massimo Delledonne

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Scozzesi che vengono in Sesia a fine maggio chiedono INFO
* il: Febbraio 23, 2008, 06:40:00 pm *
Cari tutti,

Balducci cerca info sulla Scozia in agosto.. ecco sotto un bel messaggio da parte di 4 scozzesi che verranno a leggersi il thread sperando di trovarvi risposte (e invece troveranno anche le vostre domande  ;D

Per quello che ne so la Scozia vale in primavera sperando che piova .. comunque chiedete e vi sara' risposto...



----- Messaggio di Jim ------

After talking to you about kayaking in Italy we have decided to come and paddle in the Sesia valley this year.

Perhaps you will be able to help us with some river information nearer to our arrival time however for now some general information would be a great assistance.
We are planning to fly to Milano and kayak during the last week in May (25th to 31st). Do you think this is a good time for our trip based on the snow levels at the moment? It is hard to judge of course, but I think you will have a better idea than us.
Snow looks good across all of Europe this year so we expect better water levels for May this year than 2007. But perhaps it might be too high making rivers more like Grade V?

Also we are having problems finding accommodation on the internet. Can you recommend any good sites to find houses or chalets for rent in the region? We feel sure there must be plenty of inexpensive accommodation, the same as in other kayaking areas.
Perhaps you know of a good Tourist Information office who can help us? Or maybe a local kayak club who paddle the Sesia regularly might also be able to help? This might also be very interesting if people would like to paddle with us.

It would of course be fantastic if you were able to join us on one of our river trips but that might need a lot of luck?

However first we must find accommodation before we can confirm flights so this is the most important thing for us right now. Any information you can provide will be most welcome. Also if you have other ideas for accommodation in Italy we will happily consider it. Camping is no good, however, as we are flying and all of the gear is too heavy.

Ok, that's enough information for now. Thank you for all your help, we look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards from Jim, Colin, Brian & Nigel.

Massimo Delledonne

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Re: Scozzesi che vengono in Sesia a fine maggio chiedono INFO
* Risposta #1 il: Marzo 02, 2008, 07:40:45 pm *
Hei, ma cosa succede?

nessuno che aiuti questi canoisti scozzesi dando loro qualche info?

Forza e coraggio!


Frederik Beccaro

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Re: Scozzesi che vengono in Sesia a fine maggio chiedono INFO
* Risposta #2 il: Marzo 03, 2008, 09:25:01 am *
Massimo, manca la mail degli scozzesi  ???

Hei, ma cosa succede?

nessuno che aiuti questi canoisti scozzesi dando loro qualche info?

Forza e coraggio!



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Re: Scozzesi che vengono in Sesia a fine maggio chiedono INFO
* Risposta #3 il: Marzo 03, 2008, 01:16:13 pm *
? ? ?  ??? non è quella in inglese incollata nel primo messaggio  ??? ? ? ?
----- Messaggio di Jim ------

After talking t....
- Tempus Fugit -

stefano caprile CCN

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Re: Scozzesi che vengono in Sesia a fine maggio chiedono INFO
* Risposta #4 il: Marzo 03, 2008, 02:03:05 pm *
Rispondo qui a Jim, poi giragli tu la risposta.

----- Messaggio di Jim ------

After talking to you about kayaking in Italy we have decided to come and paddle in the Sesia valley this year.

Perhaps you will be able to help us with some river information nearer to our arrival time however for now some general information would be a great assistance.
We are planning to fly to Milano and kayak during the last week in May (25th to 31st). Do you think this is a good time for our trip based on the snow levels at the moment? It is hard to judge of course, but I think you will have a better idea than us.

That's the best period Jim. Of course we can't foresee now if may will be a rainy month or not this year, however that's the period when you have the highest chance to have plenty of water in the Sesia and its tributaries.

Snow looks good across all of Europe this year so we expect better water levels for May this year than 2007. But perhaps it might be too high making rivers more like Grade V?

Hard to say now how the water levels will be in the end of may. The snow melting will keep the levels sufficient for paddling, but for great water we need rain too, and that we can't foresee now.
Anyway in the Sesia valley there are different WW5th degree rivers, and at the end of may some of them will be OK for sure

Also we are having problems finding accommodation on the internet. Can you recommend any good sites to find houses or chalets for rent in the region? We feel sure there must be plenty of inexpensive accommodation, the same as in other kayaking areas.
Perhaps you know of a good Tourist Information office who can help us? Or maybe a local kayak club who paddle the Sesia regularly might also be able to help? This might also be very interesting if people would like to paddle with us.

If you wish to rent a chalet, you may ask at "Il Gatto e La Volpe" in Campertogno:
Otherwise you may find different alternatives by getting in touch with "ValsesiaIN" Agency:
You would do me a favor when you get in touch with them, if you say you got the contact from the "Valsesia River Contest" organizers.

It would of course be fantastic if you were able to join us on one of our river trips but that might need a lot of luck?

I don't know about Massimo. As far as I am concerned, if I am available during that weekend I would be glad to join you. My phone is Stefano +39 347 3854384
In case you decide to come to Valsesia earlier, during the weekend 17 and 18 May we will hold the Valsesia River Contest. You can get all information at the web page:
Best regards, hope to see you soon on the Sesia!

Stefano CCN