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Dani Ckfiumi

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AAA cercasi foto liguria/toscana per articolo su Kanumagazin
* il: Febbraio 18, 2011, 01:53:10 pm *
Ciao a tutti,
vi giro una richiesta di un caro amico tedesco (webmaster E c1-ista, un mito in pratica!).
Chiunque sia interessato può partecipare inviando le proprie foto.

I could need your help: a member of the wildwasserboard, Christoph Scheuermann, is a writer of the big german whitwater mag KANUMAGAZIN ( ). He travelled several times to the area of Liguria / Toskana to paddle there and is writing writing an article about it. He has photos of it but is looking to contact residents from there and ask them for more photos.   Do you know people that you think they could help him ? His adress is:
Many thanks for your help!

Un iscritto di, Christoph Scheuermann, è anche autore in una importante rivista in Germania: KANUMAGAZIN.
Christoph  ha pagaiato parecchie volte nelle zone liguri e toscane  ed  sta scrivendo un articolo su di esse.
Ora vorrebbe contattare dei residenti di quelle zone per trovare ulteriori foto per corredare l' articolo.
Chiunque sia di quelle parti e pensa di potergli dare foto interessanti può scrivere a 

ps: it's just a temporarly forward to the real email.
We don't know if we can publish it. thanks

Christoph Scheuermann

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Re: AAA cercasi foto liguria/toscana per articolo su Kanumagazin
* Risposta #1 il: Febbraio 18, 2011, 02:43:57 pm *
hello kayakers of italy,
it was me asking the ckfiumi-community for help. thanks so much for dani's effort to bring that subject up.
just to make my request more precise. the report will cover the region around la spezia, that means all rivers between lavagna/sturla and frigido. till now i have photos from taverone, tavernelle, gordana, frigido and sturla. most important for me are vara and bagnone. but also maggia, gottero, lavagna and cicana would be great. i am looking for creek photos as well as shots from easy water.
if you have some special advice a foreign paddler must know (like accomodation, best restaurants, etc.) feel free to add this.
i am not sure about the potential of sea kayaking in that area, but i would like to mention at least that subject. so if anyone is into that, i would love to get news about that.
grazie in anteprima,

stefano carpita

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Re: AAA cercasi foto liguria/toscana per articolo su Kanumagazin
* Risposta #2 il: Febbraio 19, 2011, 07:43:31 pm *
Here you can find some video of tuscan rivers


Stefano Carpita

take me to the river
drop me in the water

Francesco Balducci

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Re: AAA cercasi foto liguria/toscana per articolo su Kanumagazin
* Risposta #3 il: Febbraio 19, 2011, 11:12:27 pm *
Hi, if you are looking for some photos of ligurian streams, you can find them on website  or on cki fiumi liguria. There are descriptions and photos of many rivers of Liguria. If you need original photos, I can send you what you want.
 have good time, Francesco

Christoph Scheuermann

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Re: AAA cercasi foto liguria/toscana per articolo su Kanumagazin
* Risposta #4 il: Marzo 18, 2011, 12:52:20 pm *
hello friends,
big thanks to all of you who supported our project and sent photos from tuscan/ligurian rivers.
the article is finished and will be published on march 31st.
See you on the river,