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Francesco Balducci

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torrenti in piena nel levante ligure
* il: Dicembre 23, 2010, 11:51:24 am *
Ragazzi, siete pronti per una vigilia di Natale superlativa? i torrenti sono ebbri d'acqua e vi aspettano per regalarvi indimenticabili giornate nelle loro SPA ( salus per aquam )... Rio Chignero e torrente Foggia oggi alti, domani forse perfetti!

Christoph Scheuermann

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Re: torrenti in piena nel levante ligure
* Risposta #1 il: Dicembre 23, 2010, 12:11:07 pm *
salve francesco!
sorry, my italian is very little. but if you prefer we can write in french as well.
my friends and me plan to join the good water levels the next days in liguria and tuscany. we plan to arrive sunday moring, maybe even wednesday morning and stay for 4 days.
could anyone of you recommand accomodation for us? best would be casa vacanze or an appratment in agriturismo.
we already paddled taverone, magra alto, frigido, gordana, vara gole and lavagna.
which rivers are best at the moment?
big grazie for your help.

stefano caprile CCN

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Re: torrenti in piena nel levante ligure
* Risposta #2 il: Dicembre 23, 2010, 02:52:16 pm *
Se i livelli tengono qualche giorno ancora, domenica 26 conto di venire a pagaiare da quelle parti.
Stefano CCN

Francesco Balducci

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Re: torrenti in piena nel levante ligure
* Risposta #3 il: Dicembre 23, 2010, 04:07:12 pm *
Hi Christoph! Now you can't paddle  all the rivers because the water is too much high. It is rainy! But I think that the levels are good from tomorrow till 4-5 days. Best rivers are Cicana, Isolona, Chignero and Foggia, Malvaro, Sturla ober and Reppia, Gottero, Ruschia, Bagnone, Caprio. You can choose what you want! The descriptions are in Cki Fiumi section Liguria. I'll paddle on friday and sunday but I'll leave on monday.  You can sleep at Lavagna or Brugnato. Write me again. Have you fun! Francesco