CKI il forum della canoa italiana

Spazio Kayak (e canoa) Fluviale e Torrente => Chat => Topic aperto da: Stefan - Dicembre 14, 2011, 05:22:09 pm

Titolo: Roya, Bevera,...
Inserito da: Stefan - Dicembre 14, 2011, 05:22:09 pm

We are an austrian group, planning a kajak-trip in the first 2 weeks of april in the area of roja, bevera, nervia, barbaira and argentina (maybe loup and esteron).
do you know an internet-gauge (idrometri-online) for this rivers?
are there other unknown rivers? (class 2-5)
cheap good apartments? (we have kids)
i wuold be thankful for all informations i can get.....!
